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Branding, PR & Social Media for Beginners Lecture 

Branding, PR & Social Media for Beginners Lecture
February 23, 7 to 9 pm
195 Morgan Ave

How do I make my brand more appealing?  What social media tools are worth my time?  How do I get my brand noticed? Join us on Thursday, February 23 for a night of branding, PR and social media tips from branding coach Jeff Ramos.  Jeff will share the key ingredients behind the world's most popular brands, essential PR strategies, and easy social media tools that can help get you noticed. You will leave this lecture with the tools you’ll need to immediately create or reinvent your own brand.
Plus, stick around for network with other brand strategists and get some one on one time with Jeff over a complimentary beer.
Jeff Ramos
Over the past few years Jeff has put in endless hustle and creative strategies to reinvent himself time and time again. When he first moved to NYC, he had no money and no connections and used real-world networking to become a full time DJ in the world's most competitive city.

As social media flourished, a simple blog he had for three months took him from having  a part-time hobby to a career writing about games and working with some of the world's leading NGOs, non-profits, educators, and game designers fusing his love for video games and social activism.

Now after his careers in DJing and gaming, Jeff is helping others bring their passions to life. His story and hard work is a testament that no matter who you are and what you're given, you can create amazing things in this world that people will love or learn from.


Basic/Custom Member Price: $10
Nonmember Price: $20




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