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Fall in Love With Networking Mixer 

Fall in Love With Networking Mixer
February 8, 7-10 pm
195 Morgan Ave

Ahh. That moment, when you first see them across a crowded room. Your eyes lock. You approach with confidence. The moment is finally here. You’ve met the person you’ve been looking for all night - the Wordpress developer who can finally get your website just right.

It’s true, love is in the air and we're here to help you find a place in your heart … for networking, that is.

We've partnered with Work It Brooklyn to help you connect with creatives of all types - graphic designers, woodworkers, musicians, tech gurus, painters, writers, and everyone in between- in a fun, collaborative and productive environment. Arrive by 7pm to ensure your spot in Work It Brooklyn's beloved speed-networking (think musical chairs for networking) and stick around to mingle until 10PM. Ease those networking nerves with complimentary PBR and wine.

While you get networking on, make sure to visit our store for cool and creative Valentine's Day presents, and get hands-on with demonstrations from the 3rd Ward Education team. 

Register today for this free networking mixer. You never know, you might just meet your next collaborator, business partner or employee. All relationship statuses are welcome!

**Speed Networking will begin at 7:30PM SHARP so don't be late. This is a very popular part of the evening and one of the best ways to speak to as many potential new contacts as possible. Be sure to bring a stack of business cards to swap!**

Reserve your spot here