Membership Top 10
Here are just a few of the Membership benefits you should be taking advantage of. Have you...
Browsed our vast class curriculum? We offer 200+ classes in everything from the practical to the fanciful. Learn new skills, experiment, and unlock new passions. Classes taught by experts in the field are updated frequently.

Been featured on our blog yet? We want to tell the world about your projects, shows and more. Email our Membership team at, and give us the scoop.

Earned a $25 credit when you refer a friend? Every time you refer a new 3rd Ward member, both of you get $25 credit. Claim your credit here.

Taken your ZipCar for a spin? You get a discount! Learn more about this and other ways you can save money on work and play here.

Submitted your Kickstarter project to our Curated Page? Get your projects featured on the 3rd Ward Curated Page and increase the likelihood your projects will get seen and funded. Send the link to your Kickstarter project to

Read our Members-Only newsletter? You'll get the first peek at newly-posted classes and exclusive creative opportunities and deals.

Entered our Open Call for art for free? We host Open Calls for creative work four times a year. Stay tuned to the Members-Only newsletter for info on how to waive your entry fee.

Shared your work at the Wind-Up and Member Group Show? We have lots of opportunities for you to share your work with the community. Our monthly Wind-Ups let you network with other Members, while the Member Group Show is your chance to showcase your work in our gallery.

Stopped by Drink-n-Draw, every Wednesday at 8? One of NYC's favorite activities costs $15 for others, but is free for you. Find more details here.

Made 3rd Ward just the way you like it? We're always open to your suggestions and ideas. Feel free to reach out at any time. For Membership Services, email; for Education, email; for Marketing & Events, email

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