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Practical Skills 2.0

Practical Skills 2.0
Tuesday, June 19 // 7:30 to 9:30 pm
195 Morgan Ave

Growing up, society reiterates the so-called formula for success: good grades, SAT scores, a relevant college major. What isn't part of the process is learning the practical skills necessary to tie it all together.

What do we do now that our economy has left the job landscape in pieces?

At present, we have a generation of young professionals with little opportunity to flex their talents. What is required is a drastic revisioning of our expectations. We need a new version of pursuing a career, gaining experience, and landing a job.

In this lecture, we discuss the current cultural landscape, cover exactly what it looks like to apply that experience in this constantly evolving, non-traditional world, and land a job - as well as how to navigate the traditional professional world - from emailing culture to running a meeting.

Jake Katz is a 26-year-old entertainment industry consultant on the Millennial generation. Since wrapping a Psychology degree from Brooklyn College in 2009, Jake has been able to carve out a career niche for himself. He currently manages a startup called Youth Pulse, and previously held positions at MTV as Manager of Insights Innovation and NBCUniversal as Director of Trends Research. As both a Millennial himself and a cultural researcher, Jake holds a unique perspective when it comes to decoding the new rules of our world.

Basic/Custom Member Price: $7
Nonmember Price: $10

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