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April 8 @ Moviehouse : Drawing Motion

Moviehouse : Drawing Motion
April 8 // 3rd Ward

195 Morgan Ave, Brooklyn
7 pm Doors & Food // 8 pm Films

We’re taking a look at how innovative artists experiment with the idea of capturing motion using drawing and the camera. There’s live performance manipulation with Mimi Yin, Merche Blasco, and Christine Doempke, motion capture animation by Brian Oakes, tablet drawing for  a live audience with Jon Burgerman, and finally sketch animation by Kieran O’Hare. Join an interactive environment and explore how movement, camera and pen make something spectacular.

Featuring :

Capturing Dance by Mimi Yin, Merche Blasco, and Christine Doempke

Capturing Dance is an interactive installation which explores drawing through dance using the 3-D sensing Kinect camera. Movement is captured in 3-dimensions and distorted, manipulated and visualized using Processing, a programming environment created for visual artists.

The piece was created by Merche Blasco, Christine Doempke and Mimi Yin
Live performers: Maddy Bullard and Lulu Soni

Marie by Brian Oakes

Marie is an experimental dance film that utilizes motion-capture technology in a uniquely minimal manner. The performer is represented by a simple group of moving spheres in front of a neutral-colored, stationary background, allowing the viewer to “connect the dots” while the short, meditative performance unfolds.

Original score by B.E.F. Oakes.

Pink Purple by Jon Burgerman

Live drawing of a poster using a Wacom Cintiq at the Humac store in Oslo in late January 2010. The music is by Yukihiro Takahashi, the song is called Curtains.

Pornalog by Kieran O’Hare

Illustrator Kieran O’Hare makes multiple line drawings of the same image, color and manipulate them in Photoshop, and pull them into Final Cut to put the film together. Pornalog is an animation exploring a rite of passage that has been undermined by the digital age, the discovery of pornography. It is a comedian’s reminiscence about being introduced to porn by the shittiest of neighborhood kids.


RSVP : www.3rdward.com/rsvp