Call For Entries: Core77's 2012 Design Awards

Full disclosure: 3rd Ward's Perrin Drumm also writes for Core77, which just means she knows first hand how important their annual Design Awards are. Not only is it a chance for young designers to have their work seen by an impressive jury of local and international experts, but just being nominated means major exposure in an internationally respected design forum. Before I get to the first six jury teams that were just announced, write down this date: March 13, as in next week. That's the deadline for early bird entries, which gets you 20% off the entry fee.
There are 17 categories in all, and so far the Jury Captains for Consumer Products, Visual Communication, Writing & Commentary, Educational Initiatives, Food Design, and DIY have made their team selections. "Each jury team consists of highly regarded industry leaders representing a wide range of design expertise, who will gather in the JuryCaptain's home city to judge the submissions. Their results will be broadcast live in July to reveal their choices "in person" via an online video announcement."
Head over here to check out past winners, the dedicated student fields and essentially everything else you need to know about the awards.
So let's go, design gurus of the future, we know you want this.
-- Perrin Drumm