ALUMNI CAUSE // Jeweler Christy Cole Struggles to Recover from Brooklyn Bike Accident

"I had come up with all of these ideas and was spending all this time at 3rd Ward--and then I had the accident and stopped being able to work," jewelry designer Christy Cole tells us.
The accident she's referring to occurred while biking through Greenpoint and encountering an inconviently-placed pothole, resulting in bad fall and ultimately a separated shoulder. Having no health insurance, Cole was slapped with a $20,000 surgery bill. So, doing what any wise entrepreneur would do, Cole took to the internet to raise the cash for the operation.
"I actually raised enough for my down payment, so I had the surgery, but I've got a ways to go until I can pay all the doctors," Cole reports. "It's hurting less every day, but I've got a long way to go with recovery and physical therapy."
One of the things Cole says she's most excited about is returning to 3rd Ward--"I could be a spokesperson, I just love 3rd Ward!"--and of course, jewelry-making.
Some of Cole's creations.Cole originally moved to New York from Texas to go to acting school and upon realizing that acting wasn't for her: "I started taking classes to figure out what I did want to do, and I just fell in love with jewelry." As soon as she took her first class at 3rd Ward, she says her jewelry-design calling clicked into place. She describes her style as both edgy and organic, and we sincerely hope to have her back soon.
--Layla Schlack