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YOUR DAILY INSIGHT // As Told By: Seth Godin

Here at 3rd Ward, we've decided there's no better way to start off your morning than with a verbal kick in the rear. So beginning today--and happening on the daily--we'll be sharing with you words of encouragement from some of our favorite innovators.  

Take the words and do with them what you may--but remember to always, always do something.

Case in point: Get yourself in gear and peruse 3rd Ward's Fall classes, we guarantee you can make something happen.

This morning's wake-up call is brought to you by experimental marketing guru and (despite how some may feel) undeniably brilliant writer, Seth Godin.

As our society gets more complex and our people get more complacent, the role of the jester is more vital than ever before.  Please stop sitting around. We need you to make a ruckus.