MAKERBOT SPACE PROGRAM // 3rd Ward's Luke Schantz Helps Launch Colbert's Head Into Space

Luke Shantz (right) preparing to send Stephen Colbert's head into space.
As if the folks at MakerBot haven't already proven that they are on the bleeding edge of technological innovation, the Brooklyn-based 3D printer company has now extended its presence to the final frontier.
Yep, outer space.
Not suprisingly, they turned to 3rd Ward member, instructor and all-around media/technology expert Luke Schantz (read our interview with him) to help them get there.
After MakerBot founder Bre Pettis appeared on The Colbert Report and presented the host with a 3D-printed bust of his own head, he decided to launch Stephen Colbert's head into space. Armed with a weather balloon, Flipcam and GPS-enabled cell phone, they did just that.
Naturally, such an amazing feat has been attracting attention far and wide, from BoingBoing, Mashable and TechCrunch to MAKE Magazine, Huffington Post and CBS News.
Watch Colbert's ascent below. (Honestly, the footage post-launch is sublime.) Or, if you want to full experience, check out the unedited 84-minute video.