GET ON BOARD // The Rainbow Parade Happening This Friday in DUMBO Wants YOU

The weather may be getting gradually colder and the city's hues may be looking a bit more drab, but this Friday, November 11, you can help make the streets a lot more colorful. All you have to do is dress monochromatically in the color of your choosing, head down to the Galapagos Art Space (16 Main Street) in DUMBO at 9:45am, and take part in "a short, action-packed Rainbow Parade."
The parade is happening in conjunction with the CreativeMornings breakfast lecture earlier in the morning at Galapagos, which is hosting Brooklyn's color-loving designer Jessi Arrington. You don't have to attend the lecture to be part of the parade, though. Just show up decked out in your favorite color! (If you are interested in the lecture, you'll have to get on the waitlist.)
For some inspiration and an idea of just how much Arrington lovers colors, here are a few fun facts:
- She spent an entire year studying the color pink.
- Her favorite color is rainbow.
- She's worked with the "Godfather of Graphic Design" (and I ♥ NY creator) Milton Glazer.
- After that she founded her own studio, WORKSHOP, which is based in DUMBO.
- She's given a TED Talk about wearing nothing new.
And for a little taste of the rainbow parade experience, hit the jump to check out a video of one that followed Arrington's talk at TEDxOrlando this past weekend.
-- John Ruscher