BIG DEAL // Museum of Art & Design Offers Discount for 3rd Ward Members

From MAD's upcoming "Hanging Around" show, by Giorgio Vigna, 2002. Gift of the artist, 2009.
Inspiration comes in all forms--books, mood boards, a really good sandwich if you're Liz Lemon. You can't force it, but strolling through a museum is a pretty surefire way to pump up your creativity. That goes double if the museum features handcrafts, functional items, electronics, and jewelry not too far off from what you're trying to create. If nothing else, a trip to a museum is an unimpeachable procastinatory device.
Which is precisely why we're so excited to give 3rd Ward members 10% off a membership to the Museum of Art and Design (MAD) in Columbus Circle. In addition to free admission for you and reduced admission for your nonmember friends, you'll get invites to opening receptions and discounts on educational events and performances. And you'll ensure you never miss shows like "Crafting Modernism," with jewelry, furniture, and textiles by the likes of Alexander Calder and Lee Krazner (this one closes in a week, so run), "Swept Away: Dust, Ashes, and Dirt in Contemporary Art and design" (opening February 7), and "Hanging Around," a collection of innovative necklaces.
For a visual idea of what can be seen at MAD, just pause for a moment and gaze at this gorgeously crafted Wendell Castle piece:
Music Rack Wendell Castle, 1964 Purchased by the American Craft Council, 1964This all brings to mind a fantastic overheard snippet from an early show at the New Museum. We caught a woman saying: "I could make this, but I didn't. I guess that's why it's art." While we don't necessarily agree with that sentiment in all circumstances, it does hold some resonance when you're in a museum that has a special interest in innovative design and construction. You didn't make an Eames chair, but maybe looking at its shape will inspire you to create the next iconic chair--or earring, or bar of soap. And your newfound world fame will be that much sweeter because you'll know it all started with a discount.
--Layla Schlack