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Entries in Fantasy Clocks (1)


HANDMADE HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA #52 // Keep Time With Richard Birkett's Fantasy Clocks


As the hours left until Saturday's Handmade Holiday Craft Fair tick away, we'll give you another vendor preview that is...well, quite timely.

Richard Birkett doesn't make plain old clocks. He makes Fantasy Clocks. Inspired by an idea that was "implanted in his brain when he was captured by aliens," Birkett's creations incorporate not just a clock's typical hands and gears, but a whole slew of other additions and appendages, from old cameras and broken typewriters to slide viewers and magnifying glasses.

Birkett has been crafting these amazing Frankenstein-like timepieces since 1984, and they've been featured in markets and fairs across the east coast and on Bushwick BK and BoingBoing. Stop by 3rd Ward this Saturday and pick up a Fantasy Clock--perfect for the steampunk enthusiast in your life!

Hit the jump to see another one of Birkett's one-of-a-kind pieces.

-- John Ruscher