HANDMADE HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA #47 // Evolving Habitat Will Help Adorn Your Home With Rustic Goodness

Can you tell we're excited? So continues our ongoing preview of what to expect (and buy) at the Handmade Holiday Craft Fair.
Imagine if you're favorite rustic pieces from places like West Elm and ABC Home & Carpet were way more affordable and salvaged from natural materials. That's the gist of Evolving Habitat. "It's important to me to find a new purpose for organic materials being left behind, and I truly enjoy reshaping it's original story," says creator Meri Vallo of her birch lamps, antler wall plaques, lightboxes, and terrariums.
So yes, each piece is made of reclaimed or recycled materials and we think that's great, but each piece is also one-of-a-kind, which just enhances all their rustic loveliness. It's just the right blend of hip and nostalgic, and that's why outlets like Re-Nest and Artists and Fleas are taking notice. Click the jump for more images--and if you're not mentally redesigning your own apartment, well, you're stronger, more dedicated holiday shoppers than we are.
-- Layla Schlack