New Staff Welcome: Get To Know New Member Associate Lisa Cifuentes

Whenever we meet a new 3rd Ward staffer, we like to welcome them by "grilling" them with some "hard-hitting" questions. They invariably shoot back amazing answers that make us even more glad to have them as part of the crew.
New Member Associate Lisa Cifuentes is no exception. Below she'll tell you where you should eat in Williamsburg, what social media website she can't get enough of and much more.
So tell us about what you do here at 3rd Ward.
I sit at the front desk. I greet members when they walk in and assist them if they need anything. I also give tours of the space and help new members register.
And where are you from?
Originally from here, but we moved back and forth between New York and Miami a lot. Both cities feel like home to me.
What were you up to before coming to 3W?
Well, my background is in public relations and production. So after I left the PR agency, I was producing a few music videos and short films. I still love doing that on the side when opportunities come up.
You'll definitely fit in around here then. Anything you've seen at 3W so far that's been particularly inspiring?
The fact that we offer such a diverse variety of classes is pretty amazing. I'm especially inspired when I see members with day jobs in completely unrelated fields coming in here on nights and weekends picking up a new craft or hobby. It's really cool to see them excited about what they're learning and creating.
Any 3W events that you're especially looking forward to?
Yes! I haven't been to the Drink N' Draw yet and I hear it's always a blast. Every Wednesday from 8pm to 10:30pm.
You may be new, but you know your stuff. OK, as you know, we're all food junkies around here. So give us your recommends on where we (and everyone in New York) should be eating.
Well, I'm guilty of frequenting the same spots regularly. Among my faves are Caracas, Juliette, Beco and Mesa Coyoacan. All in Williamsburg.
What's your favorite gadget or tool?
Not sure if you'd classify it as a tool, but I'm a total Pinterest junkie.
Psychological horror movies or romantic comedies?
There's not enough choices with this question!
What else?
Can I say indie dramedies?
Sure, we'll take that. What's the best event that you've seen so far this year?
I went to the screening of a film my friend was in recently at BAM. It was a film by Joshua Bee Alafia called Let's Stay Together. It was super low budget, but really well done and surprisingly funny. There was a Q&A afterwards too, which was cool.
What's your favorite drink?
Depends on where I am. If it's a place known for cocktails, I can't resist a good Manhattan. Otherwise I'll stick with Jameson and soda or beer.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of 3W?
I write a blog with my sisters called Dreaming of Palm Trees. We're also working on this little project, a film my sister wrote and will be directing. We'd love to shoot it hopefully this summer.
Anything else you'd like to share?
If we haven't met yet, come say hi if you see me at the front!
-- John Ruscher