Take GOOD's 30-day challenge: Art Every Day

Alright, obviously we're about halfway through March, but we love this idea and think you should do it, so we feel implored to point you in its direction:
In January GOOD Magazine helped you start the year off right with daily tips for sound (and actually doable) financial practice. In February they tried to get you to support a worthy cause with another month-long dose of practical tips. Are you seeing a pattern here? In keeping with their year of inspired, sustainable and very attainable advice for personal betterment, they've made a creative declaration with their March "Art Every Day" challenge.
Chances are you're a creative person to begin with, but do you actually do something art-related every single day? We know, sometimes we work all day long and we're tired or grouchy, but that's no excuse, especially since their daily checklist includes some simple activities like "Take a photo" or "Doodle for 10 minutes straight." Other tasks are a little more involved, like "Create a floral or stone arrangement" or "Make an inspiration board," but it's not like any of the these suggestions are painful. If you don't have stones just lying around, begging to be arranged, take a trip to the park or walk on over to the East River and start collecting (though you're gonna want to thoroughly wash the river slime and dead body residue off those before you start).
Sign up for the 30-Day Challenge email to stay motivated, and chime in on GOOD's Twitter page with #30DaysofGood to let them know how you're doing and to see what others are up to.
3rd Ward can help you fulfill task #6, "Sign up for an art class." With over 275 classes to choose from, it's bound to be a very GOOD month.