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THIS SUNDAY // Hone Your Urban Farming Skills with 3rd Ward's Dekalb Market Workshops

The Dekalb Market is underway in Downtown Brooklyn, and in addition to our most excellent Shopbox, on Sunday, Sept. 11th, 5-8pm, 3rd Ward is bringing some of its Epicuriosity classes to accompany this farm-fresh party. Here are some highlights of what to expect:

Chickens in the City with Megan Paska: It is perfectly legal to raise your own hens in the city. You will learn how to warm your neighbors to the idea, choose a coop plan, select and order chicks, what to feed your birds, handle hens and much more. Megan Paska raises four egg-laying hens and maintains ten apiaries in Brooklyn, selling her Brooklyn Honey at local markets. She has been seen in Huffington Post, ABC's Nightline, National Geographic and New York magazine. Check out a video on Megan's backyard chicken coop after the jump.

Followed by:

Seed Saving with Zach Pickens: Saving seed from your own garden is a great way to save money and preserve rare plant varieties. We'll teach you the basics of saving seed from your own vegetable and herb plants, giving you a head-start on next year's growing season. Zach Pickens is the farm manager at Riverpark. He also composts, builds bikes from found parts, and makes a mean spicy garlic dill pickle.

We'll also be joined by the Brooklyn Grange, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, CUNY City Tech, and more. Hope to see you there!

And now for that video: