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VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY // Make Something + Make a Difference with The Future Project

Do you care about the future? Of course you do. Otherwise you probably wouldn't be reading this. Well, how about applying your creative skills to actively helping the next generation discover their interests and talents?

Do just that by volunteering as a Future Coach for The Future Project, a new national movement that's shaking up the traditional education paradigm by bringing together high school students and artists, makers and idea-generators of all types.

Each Future Coach is paired with one high school student, a Future Fellow, and coaches and fellows meet in groups for 90 minutes each week to collaborate on projects based on something that they care about. "The idea is that maybe school wouldn't be so boring if students, even low-income students, were given the opportunity to create projects they care about," says Ian Temple, The Future Project's Chief Operating Officer. 

Coaches and fellows work on a project that excites them for an entire school, building leadership and self-expression skills and having fun and inspiring each other in the process.

Interested? Act now. The application deadline for becoming a Future Coach (July 31) is less than a week away!

Watch a video about The Future Project after the jump.