MEMBER PURSUITS // Oriel Poole's "Bleeding Hearts," a 9-room Walk-Through Album Installation

An amazing and innovative event has been taking shape at 3rd Ward, and on Thursday, June 30 it will come to life at Rebel NYC on West 30th Street.
"Bleeding Hearts" was conceived and curated by Brooklyn indie rock band Futurist as a walk-through experience for their album War Is Yesterday. It will include nine rooms featuring a wide array of artists and performers.
Looking for someone who could lead such an ambitious production, Futurist turned to 3rd Ward member Oriel Poole. "This is truly a new form of art, where gallery meets concert, where design meets improv, where human experience is the root of the work and the vision is the driving force," Poole says. "Together we are curating 42 of New York's finest hearts - through mediums of live music, set design, installation, interactive technology, experiential theatre, aerial silks, and a couple funky house DJs to close the night."
Poole describes the production as similar to a haunted house. "We are offering you an experience that you walk-through—9 rooms of stimulating visuals and performance art," she says. "Except we are not here to scare you. We are here to reveal you."
With Poole at the production helm, 3rd Ward has served as a hub for "Bleeding Hearts," with the co-working space providing a great place for her to work and host meetings and the studios serving as an ideal space to create promotional material for the production.
"Bleeding Hearts" takes place June 30 from 8-11:30pm at Rebel NYC (251 W 30th Street, 2nd Floor) and music and performance will keep going until 4am. Grab your tickets here!
Watch a video of Poole talking about the production of "Bleeding Hearts" after the jump.
Mention 3rd Ward to get a discount on tickets! $10 off before the show and $5 off at the door. Just use the promo code: 3rdWard here.