MEMBER SHOW PREVIEW // Bernard Vauzanges' handmade wooden clock

One day, 3rd Ward member Bernard Vauzanges was sitting in his apartment listening to the tick-tock of an old grandfather clock he'd inherited when he thought, “How does it work?”
After a few months of research, Vauzanges, an architect and furniture-maker, decided to build his own clock here in 3rd Ward’s wood shop -- taking advantage of the newly-acquired scroll-saw to craft all those intricate gears and other parts.
Vauzanges’ clock is completely open, allowing you to see its every motion. Oh right, it’s also made entirely out of wood. Some people have guessed that he created some of its parts using a laser cutter. Nope. This masterpiece is 100% hand-made.
You can see Vauzanges' clock in action and watch the gears turn this Friday from 7-10pm at the first ever 3rd Ward Member show. Admission's free, and in addition to Vauvanges’ amazing creation you can check out excellent work by some other serious 3rd Ward talent.
-- John Ruscher