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THIS WEEKEND // SITE Fest 2011: 3rd Ward Hub Space Schedule

This weekend, 3rd Ward will be a curated hub space for SITE Fest, a two-day interdisciplinary event highlighting the diversity of performance in Bushwick. 

3rd Ward is featuring entirely performance documentation, a first in SITE Fest history. See below for the schedule. Admission is a suggested donation of $5 per hub show. Visit the SITE Fest website to see the full schedule of events at all locations.


BEVERLY FRE$H / Sat: 1:30pm and Sun: 5:30pm
Through these specific works I define what I have established as the “forced audience.” Often among tourists, each of these performances employs the variable of chance,and the role of the collective observer becomes participatory.

documentation of Flag
Gavin Campbell / Sat: 1:30pm and Sun: 5:30pm
Living and growing up on the Irish border has been a constant influence on the artist’s practice and life. In the performance piece ‘Flag’ Gavin is trying to express the difficulties of this. In a desperate attempt to become, feel or prove his ‘Irishness’ Gavin attempts to consume the Irish tri-colour.


Shahar Marcus / Sat: 1:30pm and Sun: 5:30pm
Performers sit around a table & squeeze the juice out of hundreds of oranges. The juice pours out under the table onto the naked body of the artist until he is completely soaked.

Shahar Marcus / Sat: 1:30pm and Sun: 5:30pm
Two figures play chess with large chessmen made of ice. The passage of time is marked by the melting of the ice and the movement of the huge hourglass filled with Styrofoam balls that revolves with every move of the game.

Stefan Adamski / Sat: 1:30pm and Sun: 5:30pm
Induction is an ironic video experiment. I use my basic experience connected with hypnosis to persuade the audience to treat & understand this particular video as a masterpiece.

Sensible Horizons
Alfonso Arzapalo / Sat: 2:30pm and Sun: 6:30pm
The Sensible Horizons performance series is the consequence of listening to a given space and responding through bodily presence and gesture.

OR trapped inside pixels

Sarah Buckius / Sat: 2:30pm and Sun: 6:30pm

The ManosBuckius Cooperative

The ManosBuckius Cooperative (The MBC) /
Sat: 2:30pm and Sun: 6:30pm

Part 3: The Mnemonic Fool Series
Michael Freeman / Sat: 3:30pm
The Mnemonic Fool series has had many incarnations. Here we have a nude man confronting his personal fears directly through choreographed gestural sequences & interactions with the public.
This is intended for mature audiences only.

Aidana Rico Chávez and Ignacio Pérez Pérez / Sat: 5:30pm and Sun: 2:30pm
Recent performance art works by Aidana Rico
Chávez and Ignacio Pérez Pérez (Venezuela)

Social Shedding
Hoyun Son / Sat: 5:30pm and Sun: 2:30pm
A site-responsive performance with a garment constructed from traditional Korean funereal fiber interwoven with a spiraling zipper, allowing the dress to alter shape & transform. The performance presented is performed in a shopping mall in the downtown Portland, OR resulting in the performer being escorted out by security guards.

LitteraUrban / Sat: 5:30pm and Sun: 2:30pm
LitteraUrban is a multidisciplinary adventure that explores the city images where common people can be integrated into a dance performance.

Finish Line
Werther Germondari / Sat: 5:30pm and Sun: 2:30pm
An unexpected man informs drivers going along a road about the end of a nonexistent race...

Performance Virus
Iiuba / Sat: 6:30pm and Sun: 1:30pm
Virus is investigating over the ‘buying bulimy’, that affects the daily-life models and the art world as well. An ironical reflection over value of works and value of selling.

Return of the Pheasant
Carolin Clausnitzer / Sat: 7:30pm & Sun: 7:30pm
The artist managed to temporarily revitalize a former popular but now ruinous woodland restaurant. Through use of well-directed public media, she was able to reach many inhabitants and reawake their interest in the location. The feedback was impressive.

Sara Conde: Beatiful Chaos in Athens and Time Capsule
Sara Conde / Sat: 7:30pm and Sun: 7:30pm
Sara Conde will give a lecture and provide visual documentation on two recent artworks where she has combined drawing, painting, printmaking, installation and performance: Beautiful Chaos for 3///3, and Time Capsule.

Anya Liftig- Eating, Licking, Humping,--Performances for Video

Anya Liftig / Sat: All Day
Anya Liftig’s performance and video works challenge the boundaries of the physical limits of the body and mind. She investigates the notion of seducing nature and making out with plant and animal life in this new series.

Arts In Bushwick Is In, or Tell Us What Your Really Think (About Bushwick)
Laura Braslow & Arts In Bushwick / Sun: 3:30pm
Come discuss your thoughts about Bushwick, the arts community, neighborhood change, housing policy, urban planning and related topics. Be part of the live studio audience, or take the stage - hot seat, soap box or innocent bystander, it’s all up to you! Hosted by Laura Braslow of Arts In Bushwick.

BroLab: PUMP 14
BroLab / Sun: All Day
BroLab hand pumped and transported water by foot back using handmade yokes and forth between the East River and the Hudson River. This action was executed for a 24hr cycle, during which 168 gallons of water were transported a distance of 33.6 miles.