HANDMADE HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA #89 // Keep It Clean with MAD Soap

We're all in a lather about the Handmade Holiday Craft Fair this weekend. Here's another vendor preview to put you in the mood.
'Twas a day like any other way back in 2008 when Allyson Dohan and Molly McCullough each (independent from one another) wanted to see if they could make soap in their New York apartments. "We quickly discovered that, yes, you can and well!" Dohan says. Three years later, MAD Soap Company is a full line of bath products, lotions, lip balms, and facial potions. Everything is vegan, all-natural, and made from scratch.
So now the only question is what to get? Dohan says the charcoal soap is her favorite and a big hit with customers. "We use activated charcoal that draws out impurities from the skin but leaves moisturizing oils to make you feel fresh," she explains. But since 'tis the season and all that, Dohan says "Nothing gets you into the holiday spirit quiet like our chai tea lip balm. The unique spice blend makes your lips tingle while healing them from the cold weather." These two and others will be available, and we'll be extra excited for our postholiday showers.
--Layla Schlack