HANDMADE HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA #65 // H.S. Chocolate Co. Goes for Decadence and Nostalgia

Like we'd mentioned earlier, the Handmade Holiday Craft Fair is around the corner, and there's no shortage of unique, must-buy-or-else gifts. Here's one we predict will go fast...
We caught up with chocolatier MaryAnne Hoekstra Shekar of H.S. Chocolate Co. By way of introduction, let us say that we know it's hackneyed to drivel on about how decadent and sinful chocolate is, but some of her concoctions (the Figgy Blue candy bar, made with Bailey Hazen Blue cheese and fig Ganache, the Chinese Five Spice Chocomels) actually made us gasp. Pearls were clutched and monocles were shattered. These are some fancy chocolates.
So yes, H.S. chocolates, candy bars, and Chocomels (chocolate covered caramels) sound lovely and indulgent. But would you believe they look nice too? Because of course they do. Gold foil, playful paper wrappers, and a retro logo bring a sense of fun and nostalgia to the whole endeavor. For Hoekstra Shekar, that feeling of reminscence is an important piece of the puzzle. "Our chocolates and confections make the best gift because they invoke nostalgia by putting a unique, modern twist on classic treats like candy bars, filled chocolates and chocolate-covered caramels," she says. "We use fresh, local ingredients to create exciting flavor profiles."
--Layla Schlack