GREAT CAUSE // Help Uproar Art Help Brooklyn Kids

Max Goodman helps young artists make moulds of their fingers at Uproar's table at the Maker Faire
We understand: It's a tough time to be donating We know your hearts are in the right place, but we also know holiday travel and gift-giving can be huge strains on your wallets. Still, we have a worthy cause that could absolutely use your help. Uproar Art teaches classes and gives private lessons in the arts, visual and performing; teaching low-cost classes in crafts, comic book-making, organic sculpture, and recycled art. Directed by our own jewelry instructor Max Goodman, the organization focuses on individual attention and teaching technical skills, as well as using sustainable materials.
This year, Uproar got its 501-c-3 non-profit incorporation, so they're hoping to expand their programs to do school residencies in Brooklyn. We don't have to tell you folks that this could be huge for the community--it would offer kids a creative outlet that the schools may not be able to provide otherwise (and many of us know how ruthlessly some schools are slashing their art programs altogether.)
Of course, since it's an official non-profit, any donation you make before the end of the 2011 (one-week alert!) will help you out with your taxes. But more than that, you'll be giving kids a chance to learn how to make things and maybe even have a hand in grooming the next generation of 3rd Warders.
All donations can be done straight through here.
--Layla Schlack